Character: Bijou

Hyperenergetic Vodou Priestess, and Doctor of Zombiology for Chapter Omega Fifteen


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 41

Now THAT’S an inspirational goddamn speech! New Storytime with KBC this Thursday Friday*! For reals! Speaking of which, Kentucky Blue Clay stopped by Dead.FM–the Dead Gentlemen podcast–last week to tear apart the legend of St. Patrick, so...


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 40

The Cipher’s supposed to be the one who needs an occasional hard reboot, Gabe. Snap out of it! Three pages. Hard to believe that’s all that’s left to tell of this forty-two page story that somehow...


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 39

While Silent Jim’s appearance is based on Don Early’s portrayal of the character, Ben has taken some artistic license with the comic version. For instance, comic-Jim’s ass is balder than Bruce Willis, whereas Don had...


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 38

Whoohoo! Took us nearly a year, but we’ve finally got the whole team in the same room! Let’s get this story started! Kentucky’s missed his last couple of columns, and he’s gonna be late...


Demon Hunters: Back from the Dead – Page 35

That’s some fancy footwork from the sorcerous scientist! RPG writing is proceeding apace. There’s finally an end in sight. Kind of. It’s getting there in any case. “But Jenna, I thought your deadline was...